jeudi 23 octobre 2008

I had SO much difficulty today uploading my project from my mini-dvd to iMOVIE-HD. every time I would try to upload my footage, it would not work! It still hasn't I guess I'll just get some more footage and then upload it on a different computer. Or perhaps I should try Final Cut. Next week, I guess I'll have to stay a bit longer after class to take care of the time I wasted trying to upload.

Project post #1

Up to this point, my ideas for my film are still not connecting with each other. My mind is still very confused but I've talked to the teacher today and it helped me clear my mind. I guess, I'll simply find a theme and film significant things related to this theme. My theme will be: Finding yourself. And I will use a poem to express the feelings in an abstract way instead of an straightforward one. We'll see where this leads...

this is probably an image that you've often seen. I think my point is very straightforwrd and that is also why I chose an simple font. The message is clear: Us army= death wether. it is made by the soldiers or the death of soldiers themselves.

this is my photoshop image project. I used the the word timeless to convey a 3-way meaning. First the rock pattern is to create the effect that rock is probably the closest element to being timeless . I also used an ancient font to create the idea that the word is timeless. But what I'm really trying to convey is that writing is timeless. Maybe not  an actual piece but the action itself. Therefore, writing is a timeless technology, almost as much rock itself.